Monday, January 17, 2011


We get a lot from our parents.  Some of it good, some of it not so good.  From my father I picked up my love for sports, word games, and his enlarged prostate.  From my mother, I received her sensitivity and her propensity to worry, and boy, do I worry. I think I also picked up her habit of biting my nails.

The house is empty again tonight because we took our son back to school this morning.  Today wasn't as bad as we had anticipated.  At least it wasn't as bad as some of the previous attempts.  We had a difficult time getting him in the car, but once we did, things went fairly smoothly.

Anyway, I digress.  Back to the worrying.  When my son is away, I worry.  Not that I don't worry when he is here, I do.  However, when he is away, it brings the worrying up to a whole new level.  So far, he has had a difficult time adjusting to his new living situation.  I worry about him not eating enough or drinking enough fluids. Then I worry about him making friends and having a good time.

Those are the normal things that I think any parent of a special needs child would worry about, especially when they move away for the first time.  However, I tend to worry about other things as well.  Last year, I had a post about a book I read that dealt with the very real possibility of the US being hit by an EMP attack.  I worry about the possibility of being separated from him and not being able to get to him should any kind of disaster strikes.

I know that he is in good hands where he is at.  Still, I am a father, and he is my boy.  Anything that affects him, affect me.  I know I will never stop worrying about my son.  It would be nice to get it down to a more reasonable level.  All this worry can't be good.

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  1. I probably don't worry enough... maybe we could average each other out!

  2. would be nice if folks could trade off like that :-)

  3. I think you will always worry about your child, but you have to trust that you are doing the right thing for him. In your heart you have to know you are and that your son needs this school. He is in a new environment and even with me "new" and unknown are scarey at times so I can only imagine how he feels, yet in most instances "new" is good. You are a good parent trust your instincts.

  4. good advice, Willy.

    Thanks Anonymous.



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