Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Some Good, Some Bad

We are closing in on the second full week of my son being back at school.  On Friday, I had posted about how he had been having a good week in school.  In fact, we found out that our son had been named "Student of the Week" and had his photo placed in the hallway of the school.

When my son first started at the new school, they gave him his own room in the dorm, partly because they thought it would help him to adjust to living in the dorms.  We discovered when we took him back to school  on Monday of last week, that he now had a roommate, which would be another new experience for him.

Anyway, he had been having a pretty good week last week, but I was worried about how his weekend would go because he seemed to have a more difficult time on the weekends.  I had been dreading calling on the weekend because I didn't want to hear bad news.

We didn't get a chance to check in with the school on Saturday, but was able to call the school Sunday evening.  When I spoke to the people in the dorm, they told me that our son had a rough day.  He had spent a lot of the day dropping to the floor and basically not cooperating a whole lot.  There had been a phone call from somebody in the school administration about our son, but that person was gone when we called back.

My wife returned the call to the school administrator on Monday evening to discover that our son's new roommate had bit our son on Saturday morning.  Our son was fine, but they decided to move our son to a different room with a new roommate.  When I called the dorm Monday night, they said he had a rough night since coming back to the dorm from school. 

Fortunately, last night and tonight he has had a better time of it.  He has been a bit more cooperative in the dorm, but he still is not eating in the dorms.  I am hoping that part of his tough time this week was the stress of being bitten.  His new roommate is a kid that was a classmate at another school a few years ago.  I am not sure if my son remembers him, but hopefully they will get along.  Just two weeks from today until his next long weekend home.
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  1. What a nice smile! I hope he gets the roommate thing sorted out. I never liked roommates much either, but fortunately one never bit me (well, with their teeth!)

  2. thanks, Shark. I may be a little biased, but I think he is quite a handsome lad

  3. My gosh, what a beautiful smile! You know that was what attracted me to my husband eons ago. With a smile like that you just can't go wrong :) I hope things with the roommates settle down for him too. It's hard when you aren't used to roommates in the first place.



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