Thursday, August 25, 2011

Home Ahead of Irene

CARIBBEAN SEA - AUGUST 24:  In this handout MO...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeWell, we made it home this morning from our short little trip out to Ocean City.  While we were gone, there was the earthquake that shook the east coast on Tuesday afternoon.  We did not feel it while we were out in Ocean City, though some people did.  Locally back home, we did hear from family who felt the quake.  There was little out of place in our home as a result of the quake, but there were some things that fell off tables and dresser drawers that opened as a result.

It was always our intention to head home today, though talk of Hurricane Irene was starting up wherever we went.  My son is usually only good for a couple days at the beach without television and computers.  As it turns out, he was probably ready to head back yesterday.  Plus we needed to get home today because we were expecting an air conditioning repairman to show up.We had gotten a call yesterday from my father in law checking to see when we were heading back as he was expecting things to get nasty this weekend.

They are expecting the storm to impact the area sometime Saturday into Sunday.  Yesterday, we were having breakfast at The Little House of Pancakes and Ribs.  I had bacon pancakes and a large sausage link.  Our waitress, who sounded German, was expressing her concern about the approaching hurricane that the city had made the decision to evacuate all international summer workers. They were to go to the convention center by 10am this morning to catch a bus to Arthur Purdue stadium, where they would take another bus inland away from the storm. Since it seemed that most of the workers we encountered on the boardwalk had accents, I imagine the shops on the boardwalk will be understaffed the next few days.

As we were coming across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, I received a phone call from the air conditioning repairman.  It had been raining in the area, and he wanted to see if we could put off the repair until tomorrow when the weather is expected to be clear.  Part of the work needed to be done on the outside unit, and he did not want to start the job and not be able to finish it if the rains came.  He was waiting as we pulled into our parking place and he added some more refrigerant to get us to tomorrow when we will finally have the repairs completed.

It is always nice to get a few days away at the beach.  The atmosphere is just so much more relaxing than normal.  Since the motor home we stay in courtesy of our in laws does not have cable television or internet connections, we are somewhat cut off from the rest of the world for a few days, though I do have my cell phone and table with me.  As nice as it is to get away, it is always great to get back home to sleep in our own beds. 
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  1. I hope she doesn't drift far enough inland to get you-all. As you are already well aware of, it is looking like NYC might get hit dead-center.

    By the way, we suffer around the same amount of earthquake damage as you-all did every day. Sometimes, I have even caught the Momma Kitty, Shadow and Gabby fault-lines shifting from table to table, and since they are getting to where they don't mind being squirted with the spray-bottle so much, it's probably going to get a lot worse around here. No, putting them outside is not an option with me being outvoted (and outgunned) two to one.



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