Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Opening Night!

Tomorrow night is the home opener for my hometown team, the Bowie Baysox.  My brother in law bought tickets for my wife and I to attend with him.  Sometimes these April games can be bitterly cold and wet, but they are calling for fairly nice weather tomorrow, so it should be a good time.

I always look forward to going to the Baysox games every year.  My son absolutely loves going to the games and all of the between inning activities that the Baysox offer.  It has become a very big part of our family life as we all have a good time at the games.  In fact, my wife and I went on our first date 20 years ago for opening day for the Orioles at the old Memorial Stadium, so baseball was a big part of our lives before our son came along to join in on the fun.

It is going to feel a little bit weird tomorrow night since my son is still away at school.  I can not remember the last time my wife and I have been at a Baysox game and not had him sitting in the seat between us while we watched the game.  My son does come home next Tuesday for spring break, and we plan to take him to a couple games while he is home.  Unfortunately, his scheduled weekends home from school do not mesh well with the Baysox home schedule, so we will not be able to enjoy as many games as we usually do.    
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  1. Baseball, especially minor league baseball, is so much better to see in person than football is. Yeah, I know that it is the whole stadium experience that makes going to football games in huge stadiums worthwhile, but being able to actually see what is going on is more important to me. For even with seats on the 50-yard line, it is hard to see an awful lot of the action on a football field, but baseball is often fairly boring to watch on TV.

  2. to me, minor league baseball is the best, unless of course if it is cold and/or raining.



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