Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Time for Reflection

National Day of Prayer
National Day of Prayer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Presidential election that took place this past Tuesday didn't exactly go as I had hoped.  OK, in my mind is was an unmitigated disaster. I had really hoping that Mitt Romney had the momentum and would have defeated Barack Obama to become the 45th president.  I had also hoped that the Republicans could have gained ground in the Senate.  Unfortunately, none of that happened.

It has been a while since I have posted anything on this blog.  It isn't that I am despondent over the results of the election, though I am disappointed.  The bottom line is that I have been really tired.  For most of the past 4 years, I have been very active in following politics and the issues.  On this blog, on Twitter, and on Facebook, I have been actively promoting the conservative cause.  I need a break.

The entire election took a lot out of me.  I had a conversation with my sister the day after the election.  We talked about where we are as a country.  In our home state of Maryland, we had laws passed that gave illegal immigrants in state tuition rates and we passed a law that allows same sex marriage.  Morality and the rule of law used to matter, now they are considered old fashioned or worse.

She told me of something that happened to her youngest son.  One of his friends asked him who he hoped would win the election.  When he said Mitt Romney, his friend called him a racist.  These are kids that are 12-14 years old.  How did we get to the point where if we disagreed with somebody's policies that we were all of a sudden racist because that person happened to have a darker shade of melanin?

In the apostle Paul's letter to the Christians at the Church of Philippi he wrote:
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. (NIV Phil 4:8)
So that is what I am going to do. I am taking some time to reflect on what is really important in life.

At various times in my life, I have been the holiest of saints and at other times the basest of sinners. Of late, I have become increasingly more irritable and finding that things that used to not bother me are making me more intolerant.  I don't like it one bit.  So, I am going to do some reflecting.  I am going to spend more time catching up on my reading and thinking about things that are noble and true.

Dude Write
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  1. Hopefully, now that the election is over we can put aside our differences and look for common ground, for the good of our country.

    1. one would hope, but I haven't seen anything from either side that would indicate that as a possibility

  2. Generally, no one seems interested in tolerance for people with differing points of view.

    1. isn't that the truth, especially if you are a Christian or right leaning

  3. I am so glad this one is over also, I pray things go well even though the election did not in my opinion, it is a shame that people can't accept someone with a different viewpoint without making it a battle, racism has been thrown out so many times when nothing racist was ever mentioned, I was so hoping we could get past all of this.

  4. I concur with CC. Regardless of your political affiliation, we need to get better at compromise and doing what's right for the common man, and not just what's best for big corporations and the rich.

    1. ah, but there is the rub, as they say. I have never gotten a job from a poor man; always from a corporation or a rich man. There needs to be a balance because if the politicians create a hostile environment towards corporations and the rich, there is no incentive for them to hire

  5. Your frustration is why I don't really pay much attention to it all.

    I think it is always a good idea to reflect on what is really important in life. I hope you find some peace of mind.

    1. I am thinking that I was happier when I wasn't paying attention. Ignorance might truly be bliss



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