Thursday, November 1, 2012

Surviving Sandy

I am a worrier.  I can't help it.  It is something that is ingrained into my psyche as it were.  I think it is one of those personality traits that I inherited from my mother.  She worries about everything.  That is why last week, as soon as the weather forecasts began forecasting Hurricane Sandy's potential impact on the DC area, I started fretting and keeping up with the forecast of the path of the storm.

Saturday was when my concern really started to multiply.  You see, my son attends and lives at a school on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.  Saturday afternoon, the projected path of the storm was right over the town that my son's school is in.  My preoccupation with tracking the storm started to grow exponentially.  It prompted me to ask for prayer requests for the safety of the kids at the school on my social media sites.

Over the next few days, I either had a weather app on my phone, and internet browser open, or both, tracking the path of the storm.  Even as the projected path moved north of us, I still worried.  As wide as the storm was, I knew that even if we did not have a direct hit we would both still get some nasty weather.  This past summer, we lost power for several days due to the derecho storm that came through the area, and I had seen pictures of my son's campus where some flooding came through.

From a personal level, we made it through the storm unscathed.  Here at the home front, we had some heavy rain and some strong wind gusts but fortunately never lost power.  Just an occasional flicker now and then.  Likewise the school also made it through the storms without incident.  They never lost power.  To their credit, the school director called the parents to let us know that things were going well, the kids were safe and dry and handling things well.

Sadly, as we have all seen on the news, other parts of the country were not as fortunate.  Obviously, my thoughts and prayers are with those folks.  We can only hope that their lives resume some semblance of normalcy rather quickly.  Below, is a time lapse video that I saw through  It captures the power of Sandy over a two day period as the storm came through New York City.

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  1. Awesome. Some things can be controlled, but not nature.

    1. I have been trying to not stress about things I can't control, but it is more often easier said than done.

  2. It is easy to not stress about thing you can't control, but this was huge and your son and family mmbers were involved. Helpless or not you want them safe. I understand perfectly. Since I still stress over my kids and they are grown up and have their own lives now. It never ends.

  3. I am glad to hear that you-all made it through without having to suffer too much.

  4. I know what you're going through: I lived in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas, tornadoes are pretty scary...When I lived in Muskogee Oklahoma, we could see the funnel clouds form or even try to's at night where it is the worst,and most scary because you can't see them coming, too dark and they wreck your home. A hurricane, at least you get some advance warning to prepare, but tornadoes appear out of nowhere especially at night,,,in those places when people see a storm coming everybody, thinks about tornadoes.



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