Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Black Friday

XboxImage via WikipediaI don't usually partake in Black Friday deals, but I might have to this year.  Those doorbuster specials usually start way too early in the morning, and I hate fighting the crowds.  Besides, they usually have a limited number of the hot deal items and there is no guarantee if you get up at 4am to get there for the early morning opening that you will get what you came for.

About the only year that I got up early to get to a Black Friday special was the year that the Furby toys came out.  For some reason, my wife really wanted one.  I got up to the Kay Bee Toy store about half an hour before they opened and the line was outrageous.  Fortunately, my sister in law was already in line waiting to get one for herself, so I got in line with her and got the Furby.

A little more than a week ago, I posted about how I was considering buying my son a new gaming system, either an Xbox 360 or a Playstation 3.  Over the weekend, I went to a Game Stop store to ask a few questions about the different systems and the games.  While talking to the clerk in the store, he gave me a copy of their Black Friday sales flier.

Right there on the front page of the flier were the two systems that I had been thinking about getting for my son.  I had been leaning towards the Xbox, because it is the least expensive of the two systems.  It will be on sale for $50 off.  In addition, one of the games that my son would want to play, Madden 2012 will also be on sale for $20 off.  So, if I can get to the store in time, I could get him the system and a game he wants for less than the normal price of the system.

The good news, for me at least, is that Game Stop is won of those stores that are opening up at midnight Thanksgiving night.  While there are some complaining that these stores should open later so people can fully enjoy their Thanksgiving holiday, it actually works better for me.  It is much easier for me to stay up past midnight than to get up at 4am, especially on a scheduled day off.

I have pretty much decided that I will head out to try to partake of this particular Black Friday event.  Hopefully I will get there early enough to get the Xbox and the Madden game.  About the only hardship that I can foresee for me is that it means that I won't be able to partake of much wine on Thanksgiving.  A small price to pay if I am able to get this for my son that night.
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  1. Nice deal, pick me up one while you're out :)

  2. Good luck on the quest! Sound like a great plan. I too, can easily stay up past midnight, while 4 am is AWFUL.

  3. Hi Dickster,

    I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    I won't be shopping on Black Friday, instead, just sleeping in & enjoying the day.


  4. Hey check out the deal at Best even. $299 gets you Xbox 360 4gb with kinnect... Oh and buying it gets you a $100 Best Buy card which you can use on a game or two...

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you to John.

    Shark, thanks to Wily Guy, I do not have to go out for Black Friday after all. had one of the systems I was considering plus the Madden game at Black Friday pricing online. So shopping is done by 8:30 Thanksgiving morning.

    Thanks again Wily



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