Saturday, February 20, 2010

Help Gomey

I have mentioned here before that I am the father of an autistic child. In a couple months, he will be 16 years old. Where does the time go?

I know all too well the issue of people who do not understand dealing with an autistic person. When he was younger, my son would have severe meltdowns. Often these occurred in public places and we had to endure the stares of people who did not comprehend what was going on. On one occasion my wife had him in a store and he plopped himself down on the floor and started crying and yelling. An employee actually threatened to call the police if my wife could not get him to calm down.

Like many people who have autism, my son also suffers from anxiety issues. Change and unfamiliar situations can be very traumatic for him. So, while doing my blog hopping, it touched me and broke my heart to read the story of Gomey. Gomey is a 19 year old with autism. He was taken away from his family by a social worker who did not understand his situation. I can not do justice to his story, but I encourage you to click on the link below to learn more.

Thank you.

Help Gomey

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