Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pork Better Than Viagra

New York, NY - BBQ pulled pork over white riceImage via Wikipedia
I don't really had a whole lot to say about Obama and his State of the Union address last night.  He showed that he hasn't gotten the message from the gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey and the election of Scott Brown to the Senate in Massachusetts.  He also showed what he really thinks about the American people.  We are obviously not inteligent enough to understand all of the good things he is trying to do for us.

The speech consisted of all of the tried and true Obama tactics.  There was the blaming of Bush for everything that was wrong with the country when he took over.  In spite of the Brown victory and his promise to vote against the current health care bill, he wants everyone to look at the bill again rather than come up with a bipartisan plan.  He still wants to push cap and trade.  There were a few bones tossed the Republicans way, but not a whole lot.

Instead, I want to talk about news from another president from South America.  President Cristina Fernandez of Argentina recently was addressing the pig farming industry.  Fernandez said, "I've just been told something I didn't know; that eating pork improves your sex life.  I'd say it's a lot nicer to eat a bit of grilled pork than take Viagra."  She also added had recently eaten BBQ pork and "things went very well that weekend, so it could well be true."

Can you imagine a POTUS talking about how satisfying their sexual activities had been?  I mean besides Bill Clinton.  I may have to load up on pork chops, ribs, and BBQ sandwiches to see if this theory holds true.  If it does, maybe we can finally be rid of those annoying erectile dysfunction commercials during every sporting event on television.  And maybe, just maybe, we have a bit more insight into why Mark Sanford had to go to Argentine for his soul mate.  It's all about the BBQ.

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  1. I thought it was a pretty good speech.

    Gave me a tingly feeling but no, I did not take any Viagra. Save that for Judge Alito instead.

  2. Mrs. Murphy: Help you two?
    Elwood: Do you have any white bread ma'am?
    Mrs. Murphy: Yeah.
    Elwood: I'll have some toasted white bread please.
    Mrs. Murphy: You want butter or jam on that, honey?
    Elwood: No ma'am, dry.
    Jake: Do you have any fried chicken ma'am?
    Mrs. Murphy: Best damned chicken in the state.
    Jake: Bring me four fried chickens and a Coke.
    Mrs. Murphy: You want chicken wings or chicken legs?
    Jake: Four fried chickens and a Coke.
    Elwood: And some dry white toast please.
    Mrs. Murphy: Ya'all want anything to drink with that?
    Elwood: No ma'am.
    Jake: A Coke.
    Mrs. Murphy: Be right back.

    Your post somehow reminded me of this scene out of the Blues Brothers, humm.

    Watching the movie would have, been time better served. Since, the speech lasted about as long as the movie.

    I wonder what Jake and Elwood, would think of Barry?


  3. I thought it was a pretty long speech, James.

    Don, there were a whole lot of things that would have been more enjoyable to watch than that speech. Blues Brothers among them



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