Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year, New Home

When I first started this blog, I wasn't sure how far I wanted to go with it.  At first, I thought it would just be an outlet for me to express some thoughts and share some things I found interesting.  As time has gone on, it has taken on a life of its own.

This blog has become my chief hobby in the evenings and weekends, and is something that I have decided I want to make a long term project.  Consequently, I have decided to drop the blogspot URL and get my own domain name.  Now, instead of, I can be found at

I still have my original goals that I had when I first started this blog.  However, as the blog has grown, so have the goals.  There are some new things that I want to accomplish, and feel that they would best be served by having my own domain. 

According to blogger, people will automatically be forwarded to the new domain if they enter the old address.  Unfortunately, some of my traffic building will have to start from scratch.  If you happen to be a fellow blogger and have linked to my original address, I would appreciate if you could update your links to the new address,
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  1. Oh wow! You're turning pro! Way to go! I'll make the changes. Good Luck.

  2. Thanks II. Not sure about pro per se, but a buck or two wouldn't hurt.



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