Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Most Sundays I like to take it pretty easy.  Since I work Monday through Saturday, Sunday is the day that I try to get any errands that I have to do done as early in the day as possible.  Then I spend the rest of the day parked on the couch and relaxing.  After all, even the Good Lord took a day for rest at the end of a long week.

Today, however, is Mother's Day.  It is the first Mother's Day that has occurred since our son went away to his school.  As much as I would have liked to have spent the day vegging on the couch, I could not let the day pass without my wife seeing our son on Mother's Day.  After all he will always be her baby boy.  So, we left the house early this morning for the hour and a half drive to spend some time with him.

We walked into his dorm area and there was nobody around.  We headed out towards the main building to see if we could find them.  He was coming out from breakfast when we first saw him.  As soon as we saw him his eyes lit up and a big smile crossed his face.  He proceeded to tell us what he ate for breakfast and that 7pm tonight there was going to be a dance.

He did not want to go anywhere, so we spent a couple hours hanging out and walking around the facilities.  Personally, I can understand why he didn't want to hang out anywhere.  Personally, if I had a big screen television on the wall
and a pool table in the recreation area then I wouldn't want to go anywhere either.
It was a beautiful day today, sunny with temperatures in the 70's so we decided to take a walk around the grounds to get a little exercise.  While we were walking, we found the building where he does his jobs.
After we took our walk around the grounds, we headed back to the dorm area.  He once again demonstrated some of his new found independence by walking up to a cooler, grabbing a styrofoam cup, and poured himself a cup of water to drink.  At home, it would be drinking from the tap.  He has also started eating a few more foods, so long as it has BBQ sauce on it.

All in all, it was a very good Mother's Day, though we were out longer than I usually like on a Sunday, but it was well worth it.  So to my mother, my wife, her mother, and all of the mothers out there, I wish you all a very Happy Mother's Day.

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  1. I am really glad that your son is doing so well, and that you-all had such a wonderful Mother's Day together.

  2. dickster-
    Sounds like a wonderful day! time spent with a loving family can't be wasted. Something else in case you wonder...

    I have been considering leaving EC for sometime.

    Fortunately/Unfortunately the decision to leave was not mine!

    On Saturday I somewhat berated EC on a Forum || On Sunday at 5am est. I decided to move my EC widget to its own 'static' page tabbed 'ENTRECARD' on both my blogs. See for yourselves.

    By Sunday at 5:30pm est my EC || account was deleted. This on a Sunday eve...Mother's Day too boot, coming from a website that took them eternity to wipe their own asses!

    By 5:50am est today, my other blog || was deleted also...

    I smell something fishy!

    I will stay with adgitize and I have already explored Tribal Blogs.


    p.s. I subscribed to your email posts, so's not to miss ya'

  3. What a HAPPY story! I know that compared to some of your visits this one sounds incredibly successful. And he looks happy! Thanks so much for sharing this.

  4. Thanks, All. My son was really looking forward to last night's social so he could cut a rug.

    Don, I do most of my visits through Adgitize, so I will see you around there.



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