Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Obama Sutra: An Illustrated Guide to 57 States of Ecstacy

I think it is fair to say that I am not a fan of Barack Obama.  However, I am a fan of satire and humor.  I also enjoy humor that pokes fun at the current President of the United States.  The laughter helps to ease the pain of the state of affairs in politics these days.

There is a daily conservative web comic with commentary called Hope and Change cartoons put out by Stilton Jarlsberg.  Jarlsberg is also the author of the business book parody Who Cut the Cheese? which is a parody of the best selling business tome Who Moved My Cheese?

Jarlsberg has released his latest book The Obama Sutra: An Illustrated Guide to 57 States of Ecstacy.  The title of the book is a play on The Kama Sutra sex manual and Obama's famous gaffe from the campaign that he had visited 57 of the states in the country.  Not bad, he was only off by 7.

The book is filled with 57 cartoons filled with sexual innuendo based on events that have occurred during the past three years of Obama's presidency.  Several of them are laugh out loud funny, though I doubt that any of my liberal friends will see the humor in it.  The book ends with explanations of how each of the 57 cartoons came to be.

As Jarlsberg states in the closing of his forward to the book in regard to President Obama:
Whether we agree with his politics or not, we must all admit that no one has done more to arouse the passions in living memory.  No one has inspired more orgasms in the mainstream media and liberal circles.  And no one has left so many Americans feeling screwed in such a wide variety of ways.
I leave you with a couple of examples of the cartoons that appear in the book

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  1. Thank you for mentioning my book - it's much appreciated! I've got it sale-priced at 99¢ for the Amazon Kindle (or any device/computer using the free Kindle reader) as well as a low-priced paperback edition on Amazon which would make a stunning Valentine's Day gift. Or at least a highly-unexpected one!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Stilton, I thoroughly enjoyed your book.



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