Saturday, April 10, 2010


Remember when Barack Obama stuck his foot in his mouth regarding his bowling and the Special Olympics?

As I have mentioned before, I am the father of a special needs child. Not only that, I have had two nephews that have participated in the Special Olympics.  One of which is a voracious bowler, and a helluva good one at that.  I remember thinking that I would love to put my Special Olympics bowler up against the President.

Today, my nephew did something amazing.  He bowled a perfect game.  300.  12 strikes in a row without a miss.  He has had some awesome games before.  It is not unusual for him to break 200.  I think his highest score ever before today was a 279.

Congratulations, Big Man on your perfect game.  You achieved something the President never will, perfection.  Maybe he should invite you down to give him a few pointers.
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  1. Congratulations! That is impressive, bowling is not as easy as it looks. He should be very proud.

  2. we saw him today and he gave us a copy of the scorecard. there were six other games and all of them were over 200.



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