Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I have been blogging here for a little more than a year now. In my efforts to build traffic to this blog I have tried a few different methods. The first blogging community that I joined to build traffic was Entrecard. I also signed up for BlogExplosion. I was able to build some additional traffic using these communities, but nothing consistent.

After seeing their ad groups on several blogs, along with some reviews, I decided to sign up for Adgitize in July. When I first signed up, I started out by just displaying ads on my blog. After a week and took the plunge and decided to advertise with Adgitize. My traffic has improved dramatically. August was my first full month of advertising on Adgitize, and my traffic was 3-4 times my monthly average prior to advertising. So far, in the first week of September, I have had as much traffic as I had been averaging for an entire month.

The best thing about Adgitize, is that you build points for different blogging activities in their network, such as writing posts, advertising, and visiting other sites in the network. Each day those points are calculated and you earn money depending on how many points you earn. I received notice this morning for my first payment in the amount of $23.77 through paypal. Part of that payment included July when I first joined, but my earnings for August was $16.22, more than enough to pay for another month of advertising with a little leftover.

So, if you are looking for a relatively inexpensive method of building traffic that can pay for itself, I highly recommend giving Adgitize a shot. It has worked well for me so far. The other good thing about Adgitize is that you do not have to advertise to reap some of the benefits. You can still earn points, and money, by displaying ads, writing posts, and visiting other blogs.

Adgitize your web site.

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  1. I have only Hear Good things about Adgitize.And would Reccomemd it To All Bloggers who need a Little Traffic.Don't Think of it as a Way of Earning money Directly,But think of the Extra Exposure and Traffic which can Convert to Earnings From Other Programs.Even if you Don't Earn Much it's Cheap Advertising which can Pay itself off anyway

  2. Dickster, I have been considering signing up with Adgitize for my blog. Thanks for the post. I will give a try.

  3. Hi Dickster,

    You are right. My blog traffic is dramatically increase since i advertised with Adgitize.

    But the other problem is come, that is the bounce rate also raising. I have no problem for a moment with bounce rate. I will fix it in the next 3 month...

    Have a nice day Friend...



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