Thursday, June 16, 2011

More Blogging Frustrations

Blogger (service)Image via WikipediaIf you are an observant person, and a regular visitor to my humble blog, you may have noticed that I have a different template right now.  I ended up changing the look a bit last night.  It wasn't that I was unhappy with the previous look of the blog, but I had some technical difficulties that led to me making the change.  I may end up changing it a bit more here in the near future.

I came home from work last night to finish a blog post that I had started earlier in the day on a new study on Electric Cars and their emissions compared to gasoline powered vehicles.  After I finished the post and published it, I clicked on the "View Post" link that shows up when I publish a post and immediately noticed that all of the widgets on my sidebar were now missing.

Mike Golch left a comment and a message in Entrecard to let me know they were missing.  When I looked at the layout screen available in Blogger, everything looked like they were still there, but nothing was showing up on the screen.   I tried a couple different templates and all of my widget appeared, but at the bottom of the page.

I spent a couple of hours fiddling around with different settings.  Eventually I found an article on the Blogger help forum that suggested that there might be a problem with an individual post that was causing the problem with the sidebar widgets.  So, I opened a link for each individual blog post, and lo and behold, on some of the posts the sidebar widgets appeared.

Once I identified the blog posts that were causing the problem, I simply republished them from my laptop and it seemed to clear up the issues.  I think I have identified what was causing the problem.  The mobile blogger app that I had on my cell phone and my tablet had been republishing random posts.  Those were the posts that created the issue.

If nothing else, it game me a subject to blog about this evening.  Speaking of having subjects to blog about, Sheila at The Ad Master is having her 2nd Annual "I Can't Come Up With a Blog Post Day" where bloggers can can win $100 by promoting her contest.  So, consider her contest promoted. 

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  1. If get an itch to try a new look, check out BTemplates. For the pickings are pretty slim for more official Blogger designs these days. The BT ones are converted WordPress templates, and I found several that I really liked when I was first thinking about starting The Trib. Hey, if they are easy enough for me to install, someone like yourself could probably do it in your sleep.

  2. I may check out the BTemplates. I am fairly happy with the choices available on Blogger, but it doesn't hurt to look



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