Monday, March 16, 2009

Music Monday-Harry Chapin "Cat's In The Cradle"

Being a Dad is probably the most important thing in the world to me.  There is nothing I like more than just hanging around the house and doing things with my son.

When I first heard this song, I swore that if I ever became a father that I would never be the type of man that put career and ambition ahead of family.  That promise had nothing to do with my relationship with my father.  I have a lot of fond memories of going to Washington Senators games with my Dad and of the sacrifices my parents made to give us the things we wanted.  One of the greatest Christmas gifts I ever received was when my folks gave my an electric guitar that they could not really afford to give me.

No, that promise came from the words of this song.  I hope this doesn't sound too egotistical, but I did very well in school.  I probably could have succeeded at anything that I chose.  In my career, I have had some success.  However, there were so many times I chose family ahead of career.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

So for all the Dads (and Moms) out there, my choice for Music Monday is Harry Chapin's "Cat's in the Cradle."

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  1. Funny how that song can "cut both ways." The obvious conflict is for the father not to have to decide between his career and his son and decide whether to make time for his son or not. But alternatively, when boys reach an age, they no longer have or make time for their fathers. They have their own demands. It's so nice to read your perspective and to know that you have made your son a priority in your life. I've read that theme before in your posts. Jobs, and salaries can be replaced but you can never go back and reclaim the past.

    Awesome pick for us guy folk!

  2. Thanks. Maybe I have a different perspective since my son has special needs and therefore needs a lot more attention. There are a lot of things that my wife can't handle with him as well as I can, plus she needs a break now and then.

    The cool thing is that my son turns 15 next month. He still wants to hang out with me and he still wants to curl up on the couch next to me and lay his head on my chest.



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