Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mitt's VP App

Like a lot of people, I have had more than a passing interest in the Presidential campaigns for the upcoming election. While he was not my first choice, I am wholeheartedly supporting Mitt Romney for President. Consequently, I have been very anxious to hear who he would select to be his running mate. When I heard that the Romney campaign had released a free "Mitt's VP" app so that I could be alerted of his choice for running mate prior to the actual announcement I quickly downloaded it to my phone.

This morning, I woke up at 5am and turned on my local news. They were reporting that it was being reported that Romney had selected Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin to be his running mate. I picked up my phone, turned on the Mitt's VP app and saw nothing. I was going to go back to bed, but my son was waking up so I went downstairs to take care of him and watch the news.

After my local morning news, the Today Show came on. Of course the lead story that Lester Holt read was that Romney was selecting Ryan as his running mate. He then stated that the Mitt's VP app for the iPhone had confirmed that Ryan was the pick. I checked my phone and still nothing from the app confirming the choice.

A few minutes ago, I was browsing around on Twitter and saw the following tweet from @MittRomney:
I am proud to announce @PaulRyanVP as my VP. Stand with us today. #RomneyRyan2012 You guessed it, still nothing from the app on my phone. 
You guessed it, nothing on my phone from the app.

I am very happy with the selection of Ryan as running mate. I might have preferred Marco Rubio, but only slightly. I really like Paul Ryan. He can make subjects like the budget interesting and understandable. However, I have to give the Mitt's VP app, at least in my case, a "FAIL." I hope it isn't a precursor of things to come in the days leading up to election day.

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