My state, the state of Maryland, has defined marriage as between a man and a woman since 1973. While marriage is defined in Maryland as between a man and a woman, the law regarding recognizing marriages is a little more vague. Maryland recognizes marriages performed in other jurisdictions under the "full faith and credit" clause of the US Constitution. Same sex marriage is not specifically addressed.
As liberal as my state is, I fully expected that the issue of gay marriage would come up sooner rather than later. With gay marriage looming so close in neighboring Washington, DC., a member of the Maryland house of delegates, Emmett Burns (D-Baltimore County) has introduced House Bill 90 that would ban the state from recognizing gay marriages performed in states or countries where the act is legal. As I said, I expected the issue to come up sooner or later. What I didn't expect was that a Democrat would be the one to propose a bill that would ban the recognition of gay marriage.
My current view of gay marriage is not typical of most conservatives. I do not have a strong feeling either way. I believe it is an issue to be determined by the individual states. I believe that if a state legislature or the citizens by referendum decide to allow gay marriage, then so be it. I do have a problem with the matter being decided by activist courts. I do not believe that churches should be compelled to perform gay marriages in states that allow it. That being said, I do feel that marriages that are conducted in a legal fashion, including gay marriages, should be recognized by states, even if those states do not allow gay marriage. Let's face it, with nearly half of heterosexual marriages ending in divorce, it isn't like we are getting it right ourselves.