Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lunch with The Donald

On Sunday, I had lunch with The Donald.  No, not that Donald.  My old friend Don Valyou.  I first met Don when we were both in junior high school.  He is one of the smartest guys I have ever known.  Even when we were in high school, he used to listen to talk and news radio.  He had one of the highest, if not the highest, SAT scores in our high school class.

We first became friends because we had a lot of the same classes together.  We soon discovered that we were born about 28 hours apart in the same hospital.  It was a long standing joke between us that we were twin sons of different sons after the Fogelberg and Weisberg album of the same name.

In high school, Donald and I remained close friends.  It was there that we met David Mills.  The three of us ended up on our high school It's Academic team in our senior years.  It's Academic was a high school quiz show that awarded the winning teams with scholarship money for appearing on the program.  The three of us were fast friends through high school and then college at the University of Maryland.

Like a lot of high school and college friends, we eventually drifted apart and went our separate ways.  David eventually moved to LA where he wrote for television and won an Emmy.  I was the only one of the three of us to get married and start a family.  We eventually reconnected through blogs and Facebook. We were able to get together a couple times the last time David was back in town.

David was getting ready to head to New Orleans to work on a new HBO series, Treme, with his friend David Simon.  In March of last year, while working on the set, David passed away suddenly from an aneurism.  It was Donald that alerted me to the bad news by sending me a message through Facebook.

Donald and I have gotten together a couple of times since the funeral, not nearly as much as we should.  Sunday was a special occasion.  It would have been David's 50th birthday, so it was a day to get together to catch up and to remember an old friend.  Hopefully we will be able to get together much more frequently in the future.
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