Thursday, July 14, 2011

Like Father, Like Son?

Barry captured on a surveillance camera smokin...Image via Wikipedia
Like father, like son.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  These are just a couple of old sayings used to describe the similarities between father and son.  Apparently, or should I say allegedly, these sayings ring true in regards to former DC Mayor and current DC Councilman Marion Barry and his son Christopher.

Barry's career in DC politics has been colorful, to say the least.  A review of his Wikipedia biography can give you a real good summary of his career.  He was first elected to be mayor of DC in 1979 and served three consecutive terms.  His administrations always had a hint of impropriety in regards to graft and corruption.  Near the end of his third term, Barry was caught smoking crack cocaine on video during an FBI sting operation.  He ended up spending six months in prison.

Those of us who lived outside of the world of local DC politics, would sit in wonder at how the Mayor for Life managed to continuously get elected.  After he got out of prison, he ran for mayor again in 1994 and won.  He served that term but did not seek reelection.  In 2002 he was going to run for city council, but cancelled those plans when traces of marijuana and cocaine in his car.  Two years later, he ran, and was elected to the city council.

In addition to his issues with the law regarding drugs, Barry has had other run ins with the law.  On multiple occasions he has been charged with failure to file and pay his income taxes.  He had been accused of several traffic violations and at one point had a boot put on his car for failing to pay parking tickets.  Not only did we wonder how Barry kept managing to get elected, we also wondered how he managed to stay out of jail.

Now, his son Christopher is facing drug charges of his own.  The younger Barry was charged with possession of marijuana and PCP with the intent to distribute.  Now, I know that one is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.  However, there is another old saying, "where there is smoke, there is fire."
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