Thursday, September 23, 2010

Katy Perry Banned from Sesame Street

I am going to show my age, and musical preferences a bit, but I really don't know that much about singer Katy Perry. I really don't listen to her style of music or know any of her songs. All I know is that when I occasionally browse through one of my wife's People Magazines, that there are sometimes pictures of her, and in my humble opinion, she is rather easy on the eyes if you get my drift.

Well, Ms. Perry was filmed for an upcoming episode of Sesame Street in a music video with everyone's favorite little red character, Elmo.  The video was being previewed on the web for the upcoming season of Sesame Street.  Apparently, enough folks saw the preview and complained loudly enough that the video has been edited out of the future broadcast.

 I watched the "offensive" video below, and I actually thought it was pretty cute.  Yeah, there is a bit of cleavage and a bit of jiggling of Katy's ample bosoms, but it isn't like she is falling out of her outfit.  I would agree that the outfit might not be appropriate for the target audience of Sesame Street, but it isn't that outrageous. 

The folks at Sesame Street have been at this for over 40 years, and one would think they would have anticipated that Katy's dress might have been a bit much for some parents.  You would also think that they never would have filmed it in the first place.  I am not sure how I feel about the video being pulled, what do you think? 

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  1. I think there is a lot more on TV that sells sex even on Kid's TV programming and through prime time commercials. Of course, PBS doesn't have commercials, but you know kids are exposed to way worse on a regular basis. The bodice of the outfit was sheer, but she was covered, similar to a figure skaters outfit. I am a fan of Katy Perry and her songs since I have two teen age daughters who are also fans. I don't know how I would have felt if I'd seen this when they were still watching SS, but I do think there was an over-reaction. The squeaky wheel continues to get the grease.

  2. yes, those that squawk the loudest always get the attention. I thought the whole video with Katie and Elmo was rather cute and not the least bit offensive.



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